Haslemere Surrey Country Garden Design
The client had recently moved into their Haslemere, Surrey, home and were confused about the style and general layout of the garden. The surfacing was outdated crazy paving with insufficiently proportioned paths, walkways and terraces. In the front garden, the reality of the layout meant that anyone arriving into the drive, parked the car and then walked back onto the main road to gain access to the front door. The site is set within the majestic woodlands of the Southdown’s National Park with many great tree specimens both within and borrowed from the landscape beyond. At Graduate Landscapes we see levels as an opportunity to express the design composition within the garden design. The client was stumped to the solution to solve a 10m level change over the width of the site but this is now one of the key focal points with enchanting steps leading the user around the whole garden space. This client recently moved into a very contemporary house but the garden was outdated jarring with the quality and style of the house.
The solution was practical. Architectural steps were installed leading to the front door and created a real focal point. The paving choice, a Kota Brown Limestone sits comfortably against the woodlands whilst the terrace now has definition and is a great viewpoint into the garden. Detailing of the Oak Pergola & Step edges helps to create a contemporary sleek feel to the space which emulates out from the house. The planting introduces screening to the entrance of the site through a mature instant Yew (Taxus baccata) Hedge, with topiard Yew domes leading up the slopes. With a request of low maintenance garden: a challenge if not impossibility in any space, Euphorbia characias subsp. wullfenii, Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Forester’ and Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ were used close to the house to help bridge the gap between modern architecture and woodland. Whilst further afield away from the building plant like Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Pallida’ & Viburnum carlesii ‘Aurora help to bulster the woodland element of the design. The final look to the garden was well received and finished with a £5,000 wireless L.E.D. lighting scheme to get the best from the garden 24 hours a day!