Cobham Surrey Town Garden Design
This Cobham garden design was in need of some modernisation to fit in with the youthful clients and the high quality of the interior design. The main area of concern was a dominating tired large brick wall that dissected the garden in half making the upper level entirely unusable and impractical.
The wall was a necessary feature of the garden as it retained a huge amount of ground and although dated it was structurally. The solution was to render the wall in a light grey colour and cap with bespoke sawn coping stones injecting the garden with sleek, contemporary style. Large steps create a physical and visual link to the upper level where a new lawn and oval hardwood deck have been constructed. The wall dictated the angles within the garden, which was embraced resulting in a very dynamic, original garden exuding individuality and style. Bespoke clay planters put the finishing touches to the patio and a tailor made lighting scheme allows the garden to be enjoyed during the darker hours of the day. Within the front garden a large welcome area paved in large 1m, beige sawn York stone really gives the house a sense of arrival.
Simplicity was the key with the planting scheme throughout the front and rear garden. Topiary yew balls, Amelanchier and Cupressus sempervirens provide form and structure with herbaceous perennials and alliums injecting a tapestry of colour from spring through to late autumn.
Our client came to us having been unhappy with a garden design another company had drawn up for their new swimming pool area. The shell of the swimming pool was already in place and in close proximity to the house although stepped down over half a meter. The challenge was therefore to create a number of well linked spaces that allowed the client to comfortably and safely move from the upper to the lower pool terrace with ease.
As a young energetic family, the space needed to be stylish, safe and fun for parents and children alike! A beautiful limestone was used that coordinated with the internal floor colour yet was slip resistant enough for it to be suitable for a pool surround. With flush thresholds, this allowed the internal and external spaces to flow as one thus blurring the lines between garden and house and making for a beautiful, intuitive series of garden rooms. The limestone was also used as pool copings and to clad the generous steps creating a sleek, seamless design that runs from the house down to the pool edge.
Large areas were created on the upper terraces allowing for plenty of entertaining space and a hardwood deck was constructed at one end of the pool and a level grass lawn at the other allowing the pool to better integrate into its surroundings and giving the space a softer, more natural feel.
A planting scheme based on strong, clipped evergreen forms and softer, more fluid blue/purple and off white herbaceous planting mixed with perennial grasses gives a dreamy and tranquil effect in the spring and summer months yet still retains form and structure for the more dormant winter months. Box head hornbeams have been used to create vertical height and form without casting shade or taking away light from the pool area.
Lighting was incredibly important to the client and a lot of time was spent with on creating the right effect within the garden so the lights created a garden that glowed rather than shone at night!