
Alresford Agricultural Show 2015

We invite all of you to come and spend some time with us this Saturday (5th September) at Alresford Show in Hampshire.

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King’s Somborne Secret Garden Sunday

Sunday 14th June, between 2 am and 6 pm, 12 village gardens open for King’s Somborne Secret Garden Sunday.

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Frimley Green Open Gardens Day

Six gardens and the allotments are opening for Frimley Green’s sixteenth village opening on Sunday 12th June, 2pm to 6 pm. There will also be a display of flower arranging in the Methodist Church by the “Fun with Flowers” group that regularly meets there.

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Shere Village Open Gardens

On Sunday 28th June, Shere, one of the most picturesque villages in Surrey, nestling at the foot of the North Downs between Guildford and Dorking, will inviting the public to view the biggest selection of beautiful private gardens that Shere Open Gardens event has ever offered to help raise funds for village causes.

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Create your own Secret Garden

As a child my favourite spot in my parent’s modest garden was the dark secluded corner where lush leafed plants encased an area my siblings and I nicknamed ‘Favourite Corner’.

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Understated Elegance. Natural Stone

Using high quality bespoke natural stone allows you to achieve so much more with your garden design whether your brief is contemporary garden or traditional garden.

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The English Garden. Every element designed with a purpose

The English Garden. Every element designed with a purpose Each year my wife and I have a simple tradition of toasting the spring equinox, saying goodbye to winter and hello to spring. This year it’s the 20th March, and by the time you are reading this we will have no doubt opened a very handsome French wine that we bought in a small vineyard in Burgundy last summer.

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Snowdrops. Did you know?

The fruits of our labour are all around us at the moment as the tiny snowdrops bulbs we planted last autumn are now appearing. They give you a serious ‘bang’ for your ‘bucks‘ and look amazing naturalised with anemones and crocus bulbs.

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February Gardening Tips

It is easy to think of February as a good month to leave the garden to itself and stay out of the rain, but this time of year is so important. If you have ever looked over your garden in midsummer with a critical eye, it is hard not to see jobs you should have done in the ‘off season. That shrub that was planted too close to its neighbour, a clashing colour combination or a wall or edging strip in sore need of replacement. In the summer there is usually just too much to do to take on any remedial work, and the plants will not thank you for being moved whilst in growth.

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Wrapping up for Christmas !

It is now winter proper, but only just. So far, I have only had two meaningful frosts and the temperature has only recently persisted in single figures.

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