
Gardening in June – Flower Power

Flower Power is the name of the game this month and if you’ve only just got going or moved house and so are still finding your new garden feet, take a weekend trip to your local garden centre and stock up on those summer favourites that will need to be planted or potted up in a position where they can spend this month luxuriating in the warmth of early summer and any sunshine we are lucky enough to get.

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May. Prune, Tidy and Sow!

With apologies in advance for the fact that this month’s To Do blog sounds suspiciously like an episode of TV’s Casualty or Holby City because as we move this month (May) from Spring to early Summer we need to remember PTS.

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RHS – Gardens to Inspire

It’s May, which means just one thing on the British gardening calendar – the Royal Horticultural Society’s Chelsea Flower Show (May 24th to 28th). But the RHS has four and soon to be five other inspirational and permanent flagship gardens, all of which are well worth a visit to find ideas that will work in your own garden.

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Front Gardens

Getting to your front door is the single most important function of the space in front of your house. But that doesn’t mean it can’t also lend itself to enhancing not only the aesthetics of your home but the re-sale value too. You need a generous pathway and one not blocked by plants that will soak your trouser legs as you pass along and so the key here is to design a path that looks generous and creates a feeling of space, not meanness.

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Gardens in Blossom

This is it… the clocks have changed and our gardens are bursting into life with, if we have worked hard, a spectacle of colour thanks to our early summer flowering plants and trees.

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April! What a wonderful month!

I’d recommend stocking up on the energy bars and porridge oats this month because it’s time to roll your sleeves up and really get cracking in the April garden where all your planning and hard work over winter will now be starting to pay off.

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Town Gardens. Small is Beautiful.

The perfect town garden for me would be a space of green calm with different ‘rooms’ for entertaining and relaxing. A small seating space with a comfortable and stylish outdoor lounge in which I could unwind, surrounded by small trees for screening and lush under-planting. The sound of a water feature would help mask the urban background noise and subtle uplighting amongst the plants, plus dappled lighting in trees would make the space usable through into the evening.

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Spring is here. Tidy up your garden!

Let’s start with the big tidy up. Now is the time to cut back the last of the dead stems dangling from any perennials, which you’ve kindly left in place for the wildlife and now is also the time to mulch your flower borders

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Pruning for Beginners

This is the time of year when seasoned gardeners pick up their pruning shears and shiny new secateurs and swing into action in the garden to cut, tidy, nip, twist, prune and stake in order to prepare plants for the new growing season which is almost upon us.

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Garden Maintenance in February

February is the month when you garden starts to show the first signs of coming back to life after the go slow and dormancy of winter and because of that, it’s one of my favourite times to get outdoors and really make a difference to by sowing the seeds – literally and figuratively speaking – for the garden of your dreams.

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